SPDR - Disaster Preparedness & Security
For assistance on how to best utilize these resources for your localized needs, please contact kathy.leecornell@synodsun.org
SPDR's 12 Steps to Church Disaster Preparedness Plan
SPDR’s 12 Steps to Building Resilience Plan
Considerations for Receiving & Disbursing Disaster Response Funds
Considerations for Receiving & Disbursing Disaster Response Funds (English)
Consideraciones para recibir y desembolsar fondos de respuesta a desastres
Ready.gov (www.ready.gov o www.listo.gov)
This website offers a wide variety of resources to educate and empower individuals and families to appropriately prepare for disasters. Spanish language resources are available. This website is designed to help you:
Stay informed about the different types of emergencies that could occur and their appropriate responses.
Make a family emergency plan.
Build an emergency supply kit.
Get involved in your community by taking action to prepare for emergencies.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (https://pda.pcusa.org/page/disaster-preparedness/)
PDA has developed resources specifically tailored to the needs of congregations and presbyteries, including:
A resource manual for congregations and mid councils
Disaster preparedness checklist for the local congregation
Disaster preparedness checklist for mid councils
Liturgical and Bible Study Resources for Disaster Preparedness
PDA's Emotional and Spiritual Care Offerings
FEMA’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program (https://www.fema.gov/grants/preparedness/nonprofit-security)
The Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) provides funding support for nonprofit
organizations, including churches and houses of worship, to improve public safety and security.
To receive notification of future webinars on the NSGP Program, contact: FEMA-NSGP@fema.dhs.gov
CISA’s Protecting Houses of Worship
The U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency is committed to supporting
efforts to maintain safe and secure houses of worship and related facilities while sustaining an open and welcoming environment.
Request a Disaster Preparedness Trainer and/or Speaker
SPDR/PDA personnel and trained volunteers are available to meet (in-person and virtually) with congregations, presbyteries, and groups to:
Guide disaster preparedness planning and implementation
Offer disaster recovery updates and Minute for Missions
Provide Emotional/Spiritual Care programs
Church safety training
To request a trainer or speaker, please contact Kathy at kathy.leecornell@synodsun.org.