SPDR - About Us
The Synod Partnership for Disaster Recovery (SPDR) is a ministry of the Synod of the Sun dedicated to connecting, equipping, and empowering Presbyterians to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events.
SPDR began in 2022 as a four-year pilot initiative and seeks to provide each presbytery with resources for disaster preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation through an increase of the 4Cs – cooperation, communication, coordination, and collaboration.
The Covenant Partners of SPDR include 11 Presbyteries, the Synod of the Sun, and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.

Presbytery Contacts & Resources
If you are in need of disaster assistance, please reach out to your Presbytery leadership.
Cimarron Presbytery
Website: www.cimarronpresbytery.org
Email: edwards.pax@gmail.com
Phone: (405) 533-1027
Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery
Website: www.eokpresbytery.org
Email: tim@eokpresbytery.org
Phone: (918) 582-3077
Grace Presbytery
Website: www.gracepresbytery.org
Email: pepa@gracepresbytery.org
Phone: (214) 630-4502
Indian Nations Presbytery
Website: www.okinp.org
Email: presbyterypastor@okinp.org
Phone: (405) 524-0990
Mission Presbytery
Website: www.mission-presbytery.org
Email: missionpby@missionpby.org
Phone: (210) 826-3296
Disaster Preparedness & Recovery Resources:
Presbytery Disaster Response Protocol
Palo Duro Presbytery
Website: www.paloduropresbytery.org
Email: gambill@mail.com
Phone: (806) 797-2417
Pines Presbytery
Website: www.pinespby.org
Email: juliapinespres@gmail.com
Phone: (318) 255-6177
Presbytery of Arkansas
Website: www.presbyark.org
Email: jim@presbyark.org
Phone: (501) 663-2424
Disaster Preparedness & Response Subcommittee:
Congregational Preparedness Checklist
Presbytery of New Covenant
Website: www.pbyofnewcovenant.org
Email: lhargrove@pbyofnewcovenant.org
Phone: (713) 526-2585
Presbytery of South Louisiana
Website: www.pbysouthla.org
Email: richard@pbysouthla.org
Phone: (225) 275-1242
Disaster Preparedness & Recovery:
Disaster Preparation Checklist for Congregations
Presbytery of Tres Rios
Website: www.tresrios.org
Email: mmiles@tresrios.org
Phone: (432) 682-5297
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