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Texas Panhandle Fire Update - 2024/03/02

Guest Writer

In additions to sites listed below, donations can be made to:

Palo Duro Presbytery -

Synod of the Sun - and click the GIVE NOW button on the top of each webpage

Dear Prayerful Presbyterians,

Here are summary sheets shared from multiple sources including Rev. Kathy Lee-Cornell with Synod Presbyterian Disaster Relief or SPDR, VOAD, Texas A&M, news wires,and the State of Texas that was shared last night and this morning.  THERE IS A LOT OF INFORMATION BELOW.

Firstly prayer from the Rev. Dr. Janice Six HR in Abilene in her new book, Confessions of a Female Pastor:  “Almighty God, we come to you this morning with heavy hearts for all who have had their lives turned upside down - either by natural disaster or an unexpected diagnosis.  Among our friends and family there are those of us who have recently lost jobs, others who are attempting to piece together the chards of treasured relationship that have shattered.  Clinging to the fire wreckage of our lives, we are desperate for the assurance of your presence, believing that this assurance comes from the strength to hang on and ride out the storm…Amen.”

Please continue to share the message of CASH – CONFIRM – CONNECT:

Cash: Financial support to established relief organizations is always the most immediate, useful, and versatile way to give. Financial assistance allows relief organizations to meet urgent needs quickly.

Confirm: If you prefer to donate items instead of providing cash donations, confirm there is a need before collecting or sending donated items.  

Connect: Volunteers are a critical part of a well-coordinated and well-resourced humanitarian response, but potential volunteers should not self-deploy and should confirm that they are needed before traveling to impacted areas.


The Panhandle Community has been abundantly blessed with donations.

Donate to support the families and communities affected by the Panhandle and South Plains wildfires in February 2024. The Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund is administered locally by the Amarillo Area Foundation.

Donations of gift cards can be coordinated through the Texas Panhandle VOAD.  Through VOAD, our mission is to adhere to the 4 Cs: Cooperation, Communication, Coordination, and Collaboration. Let’s continue to work together to support those affected by the incident.

As always, do not hesitate to reach out if the team can support you or your organization! Your willingness to serve Texans is greatly appreciated.  

TDEM Region 1 VAL – Brandy Lacouture

Texas Panhandle VOAD –Janell Menahem

Texas VOAD Chairperson – Stephanie Duke

Supply Points for Livestock Feed and Ranch Supplies: General questions about donations or relief efforts call 806-354-5800


Severe Weather, Wildfire Maps & Update Resources

The Texas A&M Forest Service Incident Viewer is available at: *

Additional details are posted in the Texas Fire Potential Update at:

Please stay current with Texas fuels/fire danger products at and local your fire weather forecast at

We continue to encourage the public to call 2-1-1, visit and monitor local media outlets for the identification of resources. Furthermore, it’s important to remind all local organizations offering resources, especially those related to a disaster, to add/update/delete listings  

 Wildfire Resources

·        Forecast Fire Danger Map

·        Outdoor Burn Bans

·        Wildfires Ready.Gov

·        Fire Fact Sheets & Safety Tips (Home Fire)

·        Thunderstorms and Lightning


Due to the threat of Critical Fire Weather impacting the State, the State Operations Center (SOC) conducted a coordination call for the State of Texas for severe weather. NWS Weather slides are attached to this email.

The SOC has activated to a Level II – Escalated Response Posture for Texas Wildfires and Winter Weather. Activation began at 8:00 am on 2-28-2024. All ESF’s are activated.

Governor Greg Abbott issued a disaster declaration for 60 Texas counties in response to widespread wildfire activity throughout the state. Additional counties may be added if conditions warrant. Governor Abbott also directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) to activate additional state emergency response resources to support local firefighters responding to multiple wildfires burning Texas.

Severe Weather:

Elevated fire weather conditions for parts of the Panhandle, South Plains today.


  • Elevated to critical fire weather conditions for all of the Panhandle, South Plains Saturday expanding into the Permian Basin on Sunday.

  • Elevated fire weather conditions Monday from the Panhandle and South Plains.

  • Fire Weather Watch over the Panhandle into the South Plains this weekend.

  • Imagery and mapping wildland fires in the Panhandle.



  • Elevated fire weather conditions for parts of the Panhandle, South Plains today.

  • Elevated to critical fire weather conditions for all of the Panhandle, South Plains Saturday expanding into the Permian Basin on Sunday.

  • Elevated fire weather conditions Monday from the Panhandle and South Plains.


FPC Canadian Kitchens are making cheesy, gooey enchilada for meals around the clock still.  Donations are coming in to the Presbytery in widows mite and large ones from individuals, PDA or Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Synod of the Sun, Tres Rios to name a few that have given amounts for Palo Duro Presbytery. If you prayerfully choose,


Community Lifelines:

Safety and Security


TDEM Region 1:


Monitoring for Critical Fire Weather.


4 Wildland Fires reported in Region 1.

       Magenta Fire – 3.3K Acres

       Grapevine Creek Fire – 30K Acres

       Windy Deuce – 142K Acres

       Smokehouse Creek – 1mil+ Acres


Base Camps:

Borger Base Camp          Canadian Base Camp

Johnson Park                 Jones Pavilion (City Park)


TDEM Region 2: Monitoring for Fire Weather.


TDEM Region 3: Monitoring the Weather.

Personnel supporting Region 1.


TDEM Region 4: Monitoring the Weather.


TDEM Region 5: Monitoring for Fire Weather.

 Personnel supporting Region 1.


TDEM Region 6: Monitoring the Weather.


TDEM Region 7: Monitoring for Fire Weather. 

Personnel supporting Region 1.


TDEM Region 8: Monitoring the Weather. 

Personnel supporting Region 1.


TDEM Incident Support Team Region 1 - Working to capture in theater assets. Assets that are inbound are advised to check in with the IST.


State Operations Center: The SOC has activated to a Level II – Escalated Response Posture for Texas Wildfires. Activation began at 8:00 am on 2-28-2024. All ESF’s are activated.


TDEM Incident Support Taskforce – has 15 teams in 12 counties in Region 1 providing Emergency Operations Center Support, VAL Support and Support for Agency Finance.


Texas Department of Public Safety monitoring the Weather. Resources are monitoring roads and helping stranded motorists.


DPS is providing security and patrolling in Hemphill and Hutchinson Cos.


DPS Aviation Assets in theater and providing surveillance and mapping of wildland fires.


Texas Parks and Wildlife – TPWD continues to have Game Wardens and State Park Police officers supporting local officials in areas affected by the wildfires. TPWD has rostered teams to support the town of Fritch and is supporting Tx Task Force 2 in USAR operations.


Texas A&M Forest Service – Wildland firefighting crews are actively engaged in operations in Region 1.


3 Single Engine Tanker Aircraft assigned to Childress

3 Single Engine Tanker Aircraft assigned to Dumas.


16 TIFMIS Strike Teams. 2 TIFMIS Hand Crews.


Coordination with the Federal Blue Team - Incident Management Team.


Texas A&M Task Force 1 – Activated a USAR Type 1 Urban Search and Rescue Team consisting of 71 personnel.


Texas Taskforce 2 – Activated a USAR Type 3 Urban Search and Rescue Team consisting of 47 personnel.


Both Taskforce Teams are actively engaged in search and damage observation operations.


Texas Parks and Wildlife supporting Taskforce Teams in the field.


Texas Military Department has activated a 

CH – 47 Helo 

SOC Support Team.

Winter Weather Support Team


Food, Water, Shelter


TDEM Mass Care monitoring the weather.


American Red Cross Shelters:

       Celebration Family Church – Fritch, Texas

       Johnson Park Youth Center – Borger, Texas

       Wellington Activity Center – Wellington, Texas


Total of 13 shelters open in Region 1.


Click here to find a map of Seasonal Relief Centers


Wildfire Relief Monetary Donations:

Hutchinson Co.

Hutchinson County United Way fund at the Amarillo National Bank

Gray County

City of Pampa

Attn. Finance

PO Box 2499 

Pampa, Texas 79066

Hemphill County

For people who lost their home http;//

Potter County Agricultural

Checks made payable to Potter Ag.

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

Attn: Potter Ag.


TDEM is encouraging Affected Texans to report property damage. Share pertinent details and photos to assist emergency management officials in the preliminary damage assessment process. This does not replace reporting damages to your insurance provider. Click here


Texas A&M Public Works Response Teams has 2 strike teams in Region 1. Work has been completed in the City of Fritch.


Texas Commission on Environmental Quality monitoring the weather.


The city of Fritch issued a Boil Water Notice. The water system is running on back up generation.


TCEQ staff is in theater to assist with carcass disposal.


Health and Medical


Department of State Health Services – Emergency Medical Task Force has activated 6 EMTF’s Wildland Support Packages for Wildland Fire Response.


EMTF Wildland Fire Support Package Includes:

1 Wildland Paramedic Unit

1 Ambulance

1 Medical Unit Leader


5 Medical Incident Support Team Personnel have been deployed to Region 1.


A MIST Team includes but is not limited to:

·       TX EMTF Overhead Team staff

·       Incident command posts & emergency & medical operations center liaisons/support

·       Wildland fire support

·       Hospital, nursing home/assisted living center evacuations

·       Infectious disease response

·       Mass fatality response, etc.

Tetanus Clinics will open tomorrow in Fritch and Stinnett.

Texas Education Agency reports 1 School Districts closed because of the wildland fires. 


Several school districts are opened to provide meals and counseling. Please check with your local ISD for more information.


Reports that there has been no damage to school structures in the region.


Animal Health – Monitoring cattle stocks in the fire zone.


Animal Supply Point and Animal Shelter:

       Gray Co. – Pampa County Fairgrounds


Animal Supply Point and Animal Shelter:

       Hutchinson Co. – Borger Airport


Animal Supply Point and Animal Shelter:

       Hemphill Co. – Canadian AH&N Ranch Supply


Texas A&M Vet Team are working with Texas A&M Taskforce 1.


Texas Animal Health Commission has 6 staff in Region 1 conducting animal assessments.


Texas AgriLife Extension has 11 staff in Region 1 assisting with the Animal Supply Points.


Individuals are encouraged to photograph and document losses for both structural and livestock.




Public Utility Commission is monitoring the event. ERCOT reports available energy to meet demand.

Reports 2K outages in the Panhandle.

High winds and falling limbs can cause local power outages. If you experience an outage, contact your local provider.

Public Utility Commission Outage Map – Click Here

·         ERCOT Grid and Market Conditions Dashboard – Click Here



No reported outages.

No 911 systems are down but contingency plans have been reviewed and ready if there is a system failure.

Cell providers are providing support to base camp operations.




TxDOT is monitoring the weather. 


Amarillo Crews are working to provide fuel to fire crews and monitoring road closures and driving conditions.


No roads closed due to the event.


For road closure information: Click Here

Please feel free to call if I can answer any questions.

Stay safe, 

Courtney Goss

Section Chief │State Voluntary Agency Liaison


Thank you late Saturday morning, We brace for strong winds on Sabbath Sunday with the God hold us along the way. Scott



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