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SPDR 2023 Year at a Glance

Writer's picture: Kathy Lee-CornellKathy Lee-Cornell

One of my favorite things to do at the end of each school year is to create side-by-side photos of my sons with one photo from the beginning of the school year and one from their last day of school. The side-by-side images have a way of highlighting how much they have grown over the past several months. In many ways, this Partnership is also growing as we endeavor to support one another in the many ways we are called to engage in disaster ministry. I’m excited for you to see how far we have come in our first full year of living into SPDR: the Synod Partnership for Disaster Recovery!

In 2022, presbyteries across our Synod received $94,500 in grant funds from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA). In 2023, $267,500 were awarded from PDA and the Synod of the Sun to our presbyteries. These funds are designed to provide support for our congregations, as well as the surrounding communities impacted by and recovering from disasters. In 2023, we saw nearly every type of disaster (except hurricanes… thanks be to God!)

Resources on the Web

One of the goals we set last year was the creation of a central hub of resources on the Synod’s website, which is now available online: 

We have also developed some popular resources

  • 12 Steps to Church Disaster Preparedness

  • Considerations for Receiving & Disbursing Disaster Response Funds

These are available in English, Korean, and Spanish. And please don’t forget our podcast episodes featuring congregations and key people serving in disaster ministry across our Synod and beyond! The website includes contact information to each Presbytery, PDA, as well as to agencies designed to address disasters and church safety and security. 

Presbytery Leadership & Liaisons

SPDR is all about bringing together the gifts, hearts, and people across our 700 congregations and 11 presbyteries together. We could not close out this year without giving thanks for the wisdom and dedication of the SPDR Leadership Group and Presbytery Liaisons! If you have an interest in taking in a deeper role with SPDR, please reach out to me: 

Thank you ALL for your continued support of SPDR and for the many ways the light of Christ shines through this shared ministry! Wishing you Advent Blessings & a Merry Christmas!

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