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Meet Your SPDR Liaisons

Writer's picture: Kathy Lee-CornellKathy Lee-Cornell

Did you know your presbytery has a designated SPDR Liaison? This past September, some of our SPDR Liaisons, along with members of the Synod of the Sun and PDA staff, gathered at Ferncliff Camp & Conference Center for our first in-person gathering and retreat. Together, we dreamed and schemed about how to strengthen this partnership and better serve our congregations and communities impacted by crises and catastrophic events. 

During the SPDR Liaisons Retreat, a panel of Arkansas leaders involved in disaster recovery shared their experiences, challenges, and insights into the important role of faith communities with SPDR. (from left to right) Katie Kasten, Arkansas VOAD; Julie Adkisson, First Presbyterian Church Conway; Joel Gill, Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center; and Lauren Morris, Arkansas Community Foundation & Pulaski County Long Term Recovery Group)

Please watch and share this short video featuring some of our SPDR Liaisons and hear how our time together has helped to increase the 4Cs of disaster ministry: cooperation, communication, coordination, and collaboration.

As Grace Presbytery’s SPDR Liaison, Jim Ellor, shares, this group gathers because it’s how “we use our connectional nature to be able to support one another. You may have the disaster, but then I have the time to maybe call and find resources for you. You may be the one who’s mucking out a basement, but I may have the time to find more buckets for you and get them to you.” SPDR serves to remind all of us that the journey through difficult circumstances does not have to be traversed alone. God with us always

The SPDR Liaisons Retreat included walking through several potential disaster scenarios to enhance our capacity to respond to a variety of events. We also spent time serving in Ferncliff’s Disaster Assistance Center, where cleanup buckets and hygiene kits are distributed to support recovering communities across the country. 

Not all of our SPDR Liaisons were able to attend our retreat, so here are their names so you can get to know them and show your appreciation for their leadership and commitment to this role and partnership: 

  • Nancy Bergeron, Presbytery of the Pines

  • Jim Ellor, Grace Presbytery

  • Joe Gambill, Palo Duro Presbytery

  • Rebecca Lovingood, Presbytery of South Louisiana

  • Sandra Murray, Mission Presbytery

  • Charley Shurtz, New Covenant Presbytery

  • Ray Stephens, Presbytery of Arkansas

  • Kathy Thomas, Cimarron, Eastern Oklahoma & Indian Nations Presbyteries

  • (Your name here!), Tres Rios Presbytery

If you are feeling inspired and have an interest in serving in disaster ministry, please reach out and let us know. There are more seats at this table, and there is more need and work in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery that God’s abundant love can fill whenever we serve together. 

Synod of the Sun Staff and SPDR Liaisons

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