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Hurricane Preparedness Webinar & Resources

Writer's picture: Kathy Lee-CornellKathy Lee-Cornell

Updated: Jun 28, 2024

July 2024

The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season is already underway, and the Synod Partnership for Disaster Recovery (SPDR) is hosting an online Hurricane Preparedness Webinar & Exercise open for all Synod of the Sun congregations and leaders to attend. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

6:30-8pm CT

Register and reserve your spot today at

The webinar will highlight hurricane preparedness resources and strategies for building resilient congregations and communities and will include an exercise to further identify roles and responsibilities before, during, and after a disaster event.  

Hurricane Preparedness Resources

If you are eager to begin, click the links below for resources and templates designed for individuals, families, congregations, and presbyteries to start making plans today: 

12 Steps to Church Disaster Preparedness (SPDR)

For additional support, please contact: Rev. Kathy Lee-Cornell, Director of SPDR, at or 214-390-1894.

A Prayer for Hurricane Season

God of Living Water, we ask for your protection throughout this hurricane season. Quiet our fears and anxieties. Awaken us from our apathy and isolation, and turn us towards our communities and relationships in abounding love. Keep us from becoming overwhelmed by the surge of anticipated needs, and help us to find our rest and hope in the promise of your faithfulness. Merciful Light, heal the persisting wounds from storms past. Carry our grief close to your heart, and strengthen our resolve to be stewards of this precious life. God of the meek, shore up the resources of vulnerable peoples and land through the bonds of our kinship and awe of your Creation. By the power of your Holy Spirit, receive our petition and our plea for calm days ahead and steadfast provisions and care for all your beloved children. In the name of Christ, our Savior, we pray. Amen. 



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