Explore, listen, and learn from ministry partners and communities operating at the intersection of systemic poverty, structural racism, and congregational vitality.
Who is Invited? Congregation members, staff, volunteers, and anyone interested in learning more about poverty and the issues surrounding it... especially those in Synod of the Sun.
What will we be doing? Based on the PCUSA Matthew 25 “Five Spiritual Practices for Ending Poverty: Worship, Learn, Relate, Act, and Share”, we will both bring the community in and go out into the community to bear witness to those marginalized by poverty and the work being done to alleviate its effects through listening to stories, learning about programs that may work in our local contexts, and serving through hands-on activities.
(Although “Imagine” officially begins later on Wednesday, please feel free to join us at the Synod Assembly at Metairie Ridge Presbyterian Church for workshops presented by PCUSA staff on a variety of poverty-related topics at 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.!)
How much does this cost? Cost is $75/person for this event. See the registration form below. Financial assistance for event expenses is available.
How do we get there? Travel arrangements are on your own to and from New Orleans, and to St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church (SCAPC). Please plan to arrive by 6 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6th and depart at Noon on Friday, November 8th.